Understanding Computer Programming

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Scott Badman, Instructor

Topic: Prime algorithm in pseudocode

February 4, 2016

Is 17 prime?

Is 17 prime?

Since none of the divisions have a remainder of 0, it has no divisors between 1 and 17,
therefore 17 is a prime by the definition of a prime number.

Pseudo-code for finding if a number is prime:

Input the number to be tested from the human user

Set a text variable called prime to "True"
Set divisor to 2

While the divisor is less than the number do the following loop

    Use the modulo code to find the remainder

    If the remainder is zero
        Set prime to "False"
    End If

    divisor = divisor + 1

End of while loop

Output whether the number is prime or not (i.e., output the value in the variable prime)

Same pseudo-code written closer to a real computer language:

Input number

prime <-- "True"
divisor <-- 2

While divisor < number

    Comment: The following five lines are the algorithm to find the remainder of number divided by divisor
    intermediate <-- number
    While intermediate >= divisor
        intermediate <-- intermediate - divisor
    End While
    remainder <-- intermediate
    End of Comment

    If remainder = 0
        prime <-- "False"
    End If

    divisor = divisor + 1

End While

Output prime

Understanding Computer Programming

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Scott Badman, Instructor